A selection of papers that are not available at the E-print archives:
- Bound state fermion mass formula for supersymmetric
constituent models and
Effective lagrangian and mass generation in
supersymmetric QCD, (scanned pdf) Phys.Lett.B149:361,1984 and Phys.Lett.B153:261,1985,
...early discussions of creating mass splittings via gaugino mass terms, nowadays
called "gauge mediation".
- Pseudosymmetry currents and PCAC in supersymmetric Goldstone
theories, Nucl.Phys.B246:475,1984 (scanned pdf).
- Ten-dimensional Heterotic Strings from Niemeier
Lattices, Phys.Lett.B181:71,1986 (scanned pdf).
- Chiral four- dimensional heterotic strings from
selfdual lattices, Nucl.Phys.B287:477,1987 (scanned pdf),
... the first paper which pointed out that there exists an exponentially large number
of 4-dim string vacua
- Lattices and Strings (9MB), major review on our lattice construction of 4d strings, Physics Reports 177, 1989.
- Heterotic string loop calculation of the anomaly
cancelling term, Nucl.Phys.B289:609,1987 (scanned pdf).
- Anomaly cancelling terms from the elliptic genus,
Nucl.Phys.B299:91,1988 (scanned pdf).
- Index theorems in N=2 superconformal theories,
Phys.Lett.B205:471,1988 (scanned pdf)
... first paper on N=2 elliptic genus.
- Elliptic index and superstring effective actions,
Nucl.Phys.B308:102,1988 (scanned pdf)
... early discussion of BPS saturated amplitudes
- On nonrenormalization theorems for four-dimensional
superstrings, Phys.Lett.B227:373,1989 (pdf scanned).
- Chiral Rings in N=2 Superconformal Theories,
HUTP-88/A065, Nucl.Phys.B324:427,1989., missing tables
...the first paper where "mirror symmetry" between Calabi-Yau manifolds
was conjectured.
- Duality Symmetries in N=2 Landau-Ginzburg Models,
CERN-TH-5504/89, CALT 68-1575, Phys.Lett.B231:417,1989.
- Topological W-algebra theories, CALT-68-1550, Phys.Lett.B252:349-356,1990.
- N=2 Integrable LG Models, CALT-68-1631, Nucl.Phys.B348:66-88,1991.
- Soliton Polytopes, Nucl.Phys.B358:571-599,1991,
This E7 polytope shows solitons in a certain integrable LG model.
- Review on Soliton Polytopes CALT-68-1747,
- Review on Special Geometry and Picard
Fuchs equations, CERN-TH.7055/93.
General review papers and talks:
Neuere Entwicklungen in der String-Theorie, elementary
overview for general audience at Nordrhein-Westf. Akademie der Wissenschaften
(in german; for a written-up english version, see papers above).
Review on Seiberg-Witten Theory, CERN-TH/95-303
(superseded by hep-th/9611190).
Review on Recent developments in String Theory,
extended version of hep-th/9710246,
introduction for non-experts.
An overview of String theory (introduction for non-experts, Istanbul 2011, 2MB.
Lecture for CERN summer students 2016: "What is String Theory?"; Slides; video recording
Brief review (in german) for the public on Matrix factorizations at the Imaginary Open Mathematics site.
The Emergent String Conjecture, brief review to appear in
the proceedings of Frontiers of Science Awards 2024, International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing, China.
A few selected research talks:
- Topolog W-gravity from LG Models, Minerva 1994
- Self-Dual Strings and N=2 Supersymmetric Yangs-Mills Theory, CERN
- Introduction to Seiberg-Witten Theory and its Stringy
Origin, Lecture in La Plata, Argentina 1997
- Local Mirror Symmetry and Rigid Limits of N=2 String
Theories, La Plata 1997
- Open-Closed
String Mirror Symmetry, talk at Strings 98
- Stringy Geometry and non-perturbative D-brane physics,
review seminar for non-experts, CERN 12/2003, 1.7MB .pdf.
- Superpotentials, A_infinity relations and WDVV equations
for open topological strings,
talk at ICMS Edinburgh meeting
on derived categoeries, quivers and strings, 2004. Transparencies adapted
from a talk by Manfred Herbst.
- Quantum Geometry of D-branes, overview for non-experts,
Vienna11/2004, 2.1MB .pdf.
- N=1 mirror symmetry
(lectures given at the 2003 ICTP Trieste Spring School on Superstrings, ca
2MB .pdf each):
- Part 1 (Review of N=2 mirror symmetry)
- Part 2 (Putting fluxes and D-branes on Calabi-Yau's)
- Part 3 (Exact superpotentials from N=1 mirror
- Matrix factorizations and mirror symmetry:
- D-branes and Landau-Ginzburg models (1.4MB), LMU Munich
05/2005, CERN 05/2005, Paris 06/2005, at the KITP Santa Barbara workshop "Mathematical
Structures in String Theory" 08/2005, and at ZMP Hamburg 12/05.
- Open string TFT on the elliptic curve (2.6MB pdf), talk
given at ASC workshop Munich Apil 2006.
- Matrix factorizations and D-branes, Part1, Part2 (2MB .pdf each), lectures
at Cargese Summer School 2006.
- Matrix Factorizations and Homological Mirror Symmetry (5MB .pdf), talks given at KITP Santa Barbara, USA; IPMU Tokyo, Japan; Sogang, Korea; TSIMF Sanya, China, 2012-2019.
- Matrix Factorizations and Homological Mirror Symmetry (6MB .pdf),
in "Non-perturbative quantum geometry, resurgence and BPS structures" at the Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden, 2022; video recording